
Each academic level has its own age-appropriate library and catalog of books and reference materials. Please click on the links below to "check them out!"

Elementary School Library

Elementary Databases and Electronic Books:

Oak Street Library

Oak Street Databases and Electronic Books:

Southern Adirondack Library System

If you need the passcode for the databases you can visit the Librarian or email Tracy Mack at:


The library has over 10,000 volumes and access to SORA.  In addition students have access to a SMARTBoard, STEM Kits, and Playaway books.  Students also enjoy the ability to Inter Library Loan from libraries all over.  If we don't have it we will find it for you!


Oak Street Library has many databases that you can use in school or from home.  All you need is the Library.FYI page and passcode which you can get from the Librarian.  Each database provides a large collection of information organized for rapid search and retrieval.  The information comes from magazines, journals, newspapers, and books.  

Citing Sources

The High School uses the Modern Language Association (MLA) format for citing sources used in any research project or papers.  The library has resources like NoodleTools to help with citations.  NoodleTools can be accessed from the above databases link.  As a reminder, many of the databases already provide the citation when researching.

Please contact us if you have any questions: 

Tracy Mack, School Librarian/Media Specialist
(518) 654-9005 Ext: 3425 Voice Mail: 4166 

Danielle Sothard, MS/HS Library Assistant
(518) 654-9005 Ext: 3314 

Karen Aulman, Elementary Library Assistant
(518) 654-2960 Ext: 127