Graduation Update

Corinth Families,

I wanted to send an update about our graduation ceremony.  Based on the current weather forecast, we are going to move our graduation ceremony to Tuesday evening.  With thunderstorms predicted for Wednesday we want to make sure that our ceremony is a safe event for all. We asked families to reserve both Tuesday and Thursday evenings as alternate times, hoping we would not need them.  Unfortunately, the forecast is not cooperating with us this year and we are moving the ceremony to Tuesday at 6:30.  We understand how important this event is and want to make it as memorable for our graduates as possible.  The inconvenience that comes with adjusting plans, especially with families traveling from out of town is regrettable, but this will ensure that our event can take place safely. 

The graduation rehearsal for the Seniors will still take place on Tuesday morning at 11:00 am.  The parade will take place on Tuesday evening immediately following our ceremony.  I appreciate your flexibility and support.


Eric Schenone