Ms. Jill Cheney-Bovee has been selected as this year’s recipient of the NYCASE Special Education Administrator of the Year Award. She was honored in Albany, NY recently at the organization’s Annual Summer Institute.
Corinth School District’s Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services, Ms. Jill Cheney-Bovee, was nominated by her Superintendent Dr. Mark R. Stratton and selected for the Special Education Administrator of the Year by the New York Council of Administrators of Special Education (NYCASE). Ms. Cheney-Bovee was among a pool of highly qualified and highly regarded Special Education administrators from across New York State to receive this prestigious career achievement award.
Ms. Cheney-Bovee’s extensive 21-year career in education and her many accomplishments demonstrate the fundamental tenets of the New York Council of Administrators of Special Education Administrator of the Year award. Her work supporting inclusive practices for all students with disabilities, strong leadership role, multifaceted connections with parents and the community, focus on providing quality staff development, personal investment in supporting and connecting with students, leadership with LEAF, NYCASE, and NYS Association for Women in Leadership, and her expectations for all students has created a positive environment and greater success for students in the Corinth district and beyond.
As Dr. Stratton in nominating Ms. Cheney-Bovee has shared that her tenure at the New York State Education Department combined with her experience in the field of special education has made her an invaluable resource for our district and beyond. She is often contacted by other districts for her insight and knowledge. He describes Ms. Cheney-Bovee as a strong advocate for students as she always considers their best interests when making decisions. She knows all of her special education students by name and strives to make personal connections with them.
NYCASE is a statewide professional organization of special education administrators dedicated to advocacy on policy issues that benefit students with disabilities and their families and providing professional development and networking for its members. NYCASE is affiliated with the National Council of Administrators of Special Education.