CES Student Council Election

In an exciting development for fourth-grade students, this year’s Student Council elections provided a unique opportunity for young leaders to step up and represent their classmates. Candidates completed a thorough application, with voting focused solely on the content of each application rather than student names, ensuring a fair and thoughtful selection process. Due to multiple tied votes, the council expanded from eight to ten members this year, emphasizing just how close the race was.

At the first council meeting, students received an overview of the roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, with several eager candidates taking on additional campaign challenges. Those running for President created seven campaign posters—each including their first name, a catchy slogan, and the election date—displayed in every wing of the school. After gaining approval, the posters were hung up, generating excitement in the days leading up to the speeches.

On November 4, three presidential candidates read their prepared speeches over the school announcements after an approval process. Voting day took place on November 5, with over 360 ballots cast in private voting booths crafted by a former Student Council advisor and her spouse. Teachers also received an informative email detailing the voting process and including fun historical facts about elections.

After a careful double-count of ballots, Annabelle was announced as President and Sawyer as Vice President, with both receiving congratulations over the morning announcements on November 6. Auden, another strong candidate, was encouraged to consider running for the Treasurer or Secretary positions, with the next Elementary Student Council meeting scheduled for November 18.

This year’s election demonstrated student dedication and enthusiasm for leadership and community involvement, setting a promising tone for the Student Council year ahead.

CES Student Council ElectionCES Student Council ElectionCES Student Council ElectionCES Student Council Election