What better way to welcome spring than to join us here at the Corinth High School for the evening. We will be hosting a Community Night on the first day of spring, March 21st from 5:00 - 6:30 pm. There will be two different 40 minute sessions for families to learn about some of the different resources that are available as well as gather information on a number of relevant topics. Workshops will include information on how to keep track of your child's digital usage, information on current drug and alcohol trends, a tax workshop, and even a tour and update of our ongoing construction project. We will have something for everyone! See the program descriptions below and use the QR code on the attached flyer to plan out which workshops you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing you all on the 21st.
Program Descriptions Below
Narcan Training: Learn the signs and symptoms of heroin and opioid overdose. Learn how to use NARCAN nasal spray to respond to an overdose situation. Receive a free Naloxone (NARCAN) to carry and use.
College Financial Aid Information: Learn the ins and outs of the financial aid process. Presented by SUNY Adirondack Financial Aid Staff Member Michele Sprague. Great information for rising Seniors and their families.
College Admission: Learn about both public and private college and university admissions processes from Matt Cohen of Skidmore College and Teresa Munson of FMCC. Great place to start for any high student interested in College.
Seen and Unseen Drug Awareness: Learn about the most current drug trends for teens from Patty Kilgore Director of the Prevention Council.
Cooking on a Budget: High School Teacher, Sarah Graham presents cooking family style on a budget! She will demonstrate meal prep and send participants home with the ingredients to do it themselves.
Construction Update and Tour: Join High School Principal, Eric Schenone for an update and tour of the latest capital building project.
Digital Awareness: Saratoga Center for the Family: Corinth graduate, Derek Tefft, will present on ways to keep your family safe online. Including understanding Social Media.
Yoga-Self Care: Corinth Graduate, Samantha Lyman will present an introductory Yoga Class.
Tax Seminar 2022:CHS Staff Member Lynette Jensen will assist participants in filing their 2022 taxes. Please be sure to bring your W2 and other necessary documents.
STEMposium Science Honor Society: The event is designed to introduce students to real-world scenarios which require the application of science, technology, math and engineering. The students will participate in guided, station centered lab activities directed by Science Honor Society students and High School science teachers.