Our mid year testing is finished and students did a great job on both their Regents Exams and Midterms. Mother nature threw us a curveball with some inclement weather, but we made the appropriate adjustments and were able to administer all of our exams this week. Now it is time for the second half of the school year to begin.
Families will be receiving their students' second quarter report cards in the mail at the end of next week. Please spend the time to review these report cards with your children. Pay special attention to both the students' attendance and comments from each teacher. Any student that has more than 9 absences is on pace to be considered “chronically absent” by New York State. One of the largest factors in student achievement is being physically present in the classroom. I am going to ask all our families to make a concerted effort to make sure our students are here each and every day ready to learn.
Thank you for your continued support of both our school and your students. We look forward to having an amazing second semester.
Mr. Schenone