Congratulations to our Corinth Middle School Positivity Project Character Strength winners for quarter 1!
Grade level teams selected:
Grade 5: Kaelynn F. (Curiosity),Thor R. (Teamwork), Andrea N. and Ryland R.(Integrity)
Grade 6: Emily C. (Curiosity), Michael M. (Teamwork), Harvey S. (Integrity), Aubree C.(Creativity)
Grade 7: LillyAnn S. (Teamwork & Curiosity), Kirana E. (Open Mindedness), Annebell O. (Being Present), Conley B. (Integrity), Sadie J. (Creativity)
Grade 8: David B. (Teamwork), Emma H. (Curiosity), Gabby S. (Perseverance), Dylan H. (Gratitude) and Isabella C. (Integrity)
We are proud of our students who demonstrate the character strengths we study in our Social Emotional Learning curriculum! Keep up the great work!

(More photos on Facebook!)
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
A big shout out to our CCSD Transportation Department for all that they do to get our students to and from school safely!
Today, they were sporting their RIVERHAWK spirit apparel! They rock!!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Our CCSD Athletics Department is proud to announce our annual HOOPS for the HOLIDAYS on Thursday, November 30th!
Come join the fun and help families in need have a brighter holiday! #CorinthisCommunity
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Today is WORLD TRAVELER WEDNESDAY! Our cafeterias are serving up a delicious Chinese meal today! Encourage your student to try our multicultural meal created by our amazing food services staff! (Reminder: Lunch and breakfast meals are free to all students this year!)

Did you know that the mortar used to build the Great Wall contained sticky rice? Did you know that China is about the same size as the continental USA but it only has one official time zone? Continental USA has four. Did you know that China's giant pandas are good swimmers?

Check out more interesting facts about China from National Geographic Kids:
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
CCSD is exploring the character strength: GRATITUDE in The Positivity Project Social Emotional Learning lessons, discussions and activities this week and next week.
Modeling gratitude, 3 of our students who attended Boys and Girls State last spring accepted the invitation to the American Legion Veterans Day dinner. Our students were acknowledged, celebrated and were able to thank the veterans for their sponsorship of their great leadership experience.
A tip of the hat to Matthew Sprague, Duncan Peterson and Athena Macqueen for representing CHS and making us proud! You are great role models for your peers! #PositivityinAction
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
A big shout out to CHS Junior, Caitlyn Crossman, for being named a first team all star for the Adirondack League Girls Soccer season 2023! Congratulations!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Our 9th grade students recently participated in "CTE WORKS 2023" at the Saratoga Springs City Center to explore career opportunities in our region! Read more about the event coordinated by WSWHE BOCES:
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
A big shout out to our senior soccer players, Alex Wiseman, Logan West and MJ Sprague for being invited to and participating in the section II exceptional senior game on Friday in Schenectady! Congratulations, gentlemen! What a great end to your high school soccer careers!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Reminder: This Wednesday evening (11/15) at 6PM in the Oak St. cafeteria, our CCSD Counseling Team is hosting a community night. This month's presentation is "Right Under Your Nose" with Patty Kilgore of the Prevention Council on current drug trends in our region. Please join us!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
As part of our Positivity Project activities this week, teachers were encouraged to weave in Veterans Day as it relates to this week's character strength: BRAVERY! A big shout out to Mr. Waring who engaged our middle school art students in creating this display, thanking our veterans for their service!
Pictured with the artwork are staff members who have served:
Our School Resource Officer, Deputy Hector Monge
HS Math Teacher, Justin Suppes
Custodial staff member, Bob Millis
Custodial/Building and Grounds staff member, Bill Shippee
MS Social Studies Teacher, Madelyn Reppucci
MS/HS Vocal Music Teacher, Andrew Holcomb
Alumni (and relatives of our student artists): Floyd R. Mosher, Kayleigh B. Mosher and Brandon Raymond
Thank you to Mr. Waring for helping our students connect The Positivity Project Social Emotional Learning curriculum to their lives.

On behalf of CCSD, thank you to all of our brave veterans.
If you are on Facebook, we invite you to share the names of veterans in our community, alumni or your family in the comments!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Corinth is on a 2 hour delay Thursday, November 9th. NO AM BOCES, no breakfast. Please be safe.
10 months ago, Corinth CSD
Attention, families of athletes in grades 7-12! Winter sports registration is now open! Please register your student athlete in the software asap! Students cannot practice/try-out until all documentation is filed.
(Fall athletes need to log on for an update if playing a winter sport!)
We look forward to an exciting winter sports season!
Go, Riverhawks!!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
ATTENTION, CMS Intramural Sports participants!
The last day for fall intramurals is Tuesday, November 14th. Winter intramurals will begin after Thanksgiving. Listen to announcements or reach out to Coach Haskell or Coach Graham for information! ,br> Go, Riverhawks!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
ATTENTION: The CARE Committee winter apparel request form is now closed. The team is working to fulfill requests and will be in touch via email. Many thanks to our community sponsors for helping CARE to make this support possible
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
REPOST/REMINDER to all CES FAMILIES: Yearbooks are on sale now! See the flyer for details!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Attention, CMS and CHS students and families!
Picture make-up/re-take day has been rescheduled to December 4th!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Westad, Yearbook Advisor.
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
A big shout out to SUNY Adirondack for coming to CHS for "Instant Admit Day!" Several CHS seniors participated in applying to SUNY ADK this past week!
Any senior who missed this event but is interested in SUNY ADK should see your counselor asap! Thank you to our counselors for facilitating this great activity, guiding our seniors to explore their post-graduation endeavors.
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Dear CCSD Families,

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Bravery. Bravery means you act with mental, moral, or physical strength even when you know things are difficult or scary.

Bravery refers to voluntary (not coerced) action in the face of a dangerous circumstance. This strength involves judgement; the brave person must have an understanding of the risks and consequences involved in acting. According to Socrates and Plato, forethought separates acts of valor from acts of rashness. This means that bravery isn’t simply fearlessness, but instead the overcoming of fear.

Overcoming fears is critically important in individual development, as it allows the person to do more and become more. A person can be brave every single day. For example, some people with social anxiety are brave just by leaving their house and talking with people. On a physical level, bravery allows us to overcome fears, such as swimming or playing a sport. And, on a moral level, doing what we know to be right, despite the risks, gives us the sense that we are acting on behalf of a larger purpose.

To practice and encourage the character strength of bravery with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.

Have a wonderful week!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Our CMS Studio Art class created beautiful art work in honor of Día de los Muertos recently. This interdisciplinary project supports the World Language (Spanish) curriculum as we explore the culture of countries around the globe. We have some very talented students!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District
Our SUPA (Syracuse University Project Advancement Class) for Science were creating footprint casts recently in class as part of their curriculum! They were totally engaged in their hands-on learning!
10 months ago, Corinth Central School District