Our Corinth High School S.A.D.D. Chapter sponsored "Red Ribbon Pledge Week" this past week with themed days to raise awareness about healthy choices and invited everyone to sign a pledge and banner to be drug free!
Thank you to all of the students and staff who participated!

Our Grade 4 Band Concert has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 26th at 6:30 PM! Please join us at CES to honor the work of our talented musicians!

Mrs. Flint's UPK students were outside building a snowman yesterday! They learned how to communicate and work as a team to achieve their goal! They had a lot of fun!

Please use this attached google form or call the district register at (518)654-9005 if you would like to update your contact number in our student management system. This will be the contact number used when the district communicates school information such as school closings/delays.

Corinth High School is proud to announce that Lindsey Torda was selected for the Post Star Teen Excellence Award 2023!
Students around the region who demonstrate personal growth, innovation, leadership and commitment to the community will be celebrated at a breakfast in March!

Corinth Central School District is on a 2 hour delay today, Friday, January 20th.
#ChooseKindness assemblies at CES are postponed and will be rescheduled by Mrs. Young.
There will be no AM BOCES.

All after school activities have been canceled for today, Thursday, January 19th, due to the impending storm. Be safe!

This evenings JV and Varsity basketball games have been postponed.

Our CHS Counseling Team recently facilitated assemblies for grade 8 and grade 10 students about several outside programs available to our students (CTE, PTech, ECCA and more!) as part of their CHS education. We have so many great options for our students!

CES is a #ChooseKindess school thanks to the generosity of the Fredette Family Foundation!
Our CES students carried out many Random Acts of Kindness last week in honor of Corinth's movement, #VivienneRAOK including cards for the Memory Unit of a senior living facility!

Thank you to our CES PTSA for a wonderful Snowball Dance this weekend!
Our UPK-4 students enjoyed a very special night together with music, dancing, treats and much more!
Check out our Facebook page for more photos!

The Adirondack United Girls Varsity Hockey team is currently ranked #1 in the state!
Congratulations to CCSD players Aubrey Lozier and Jessica Freebern (and your teammates) on this accomplishment!
We wish you continued success this season!!

Our Corinth High School S.A.D.D. chapter is hosting a "Red Ribbon - Sign the Pledge Week" next week (1/17-1/20).
Participate in the themed days and sign the pledge at lunch to show your support for making healthy choices!

Nothing gets us in the holiday mood quite like our winter concerts. What a great job by all our musicians over the last two weeks.

I am so proud of the effort our students have shown so far this year. We had 189 students on the honor roll for the first quarter. Great job students. Let's go for over 200 next quarter!

HS/MS picture retakes have been rescheduled to Monday, November 21.

Winter sports practices start today! Good luck to all our athletes and coaches.

Great news for our Seniors! You may apply to 5 SUNY schools for free, if completed before November 6th. Get those applications in.

Amazing job by our Girls Cross Country team. They have been named the Adirondack League Champions! Keep running hard ladies.

What a wonderful Wednesday. Our varsity teams went 4-1 on the day with victories by girls and boys soccer, golf, and volleyball. The tomahawk pride is flowing strong this week. Let's keep it going!