Reminder: This Wednesday evening (11/15) at 6PM in the Oak St. cafeteria, our CCSD Counseling Team is hosting a community night. This month's presentation is "Right Under Your Nose" with Patty Kilgore of the Prevention Council on current drug trends in our region. Please join us!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
As part of our Positivity Project activities this week, teachers were encouraged to weave in Veterans Day as it relates to this week's character strength: BRAVERY! A big shout out to Mr. Waring who engaged our middle school art students in creating this display, thanking our veterans for their service!
Pictured with the artwork are staff members who have served:
Our School Resource Officer, Deputy Hector Monge
HS Math Teacher, Justin Suppes
Custodial staff member, Bob Millis
Custodial/Building and Grounds staff member, Bill Shippee
MS Social Studies Teacher, Madelyn Reppucci
MS/HS Vocal Music Teacher, Andrew Holcomb
Alumni (and relatives of our student artists): Floyd R. Mosher, Kayleigh B. Mosher and Brandon Raymond
Thank you to Mr. Waring for helping our students connect The Positivity Project Social Emotional Learning curriculum to their lives.

On behalf of CCSD, thank you to all of our brave veterans.
If you are on Facebook, we invite you to share the names of veterans in our community, alumni or your family in the comments!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Corinth is on a 2 hour delay Thursday, November 9th. NO AM BOCES, no breakfast. Please be safe.
over 1 year ago, Corinth CSD
Attention, families of athletes in grades 7-12! Winter sports registration is now open! Please register your student athlete in the software asap! Students cannot practice/try-out until all documentation is filed.
(Fall athletes need to log on for an update if playing a winter sport!)
We look forward to an exciting winter sports season!
Go, Riverhawks!!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
ATTENTION, CMS Intramural Sports participants!
The last day for fall intramurals is Tuesday, November 14th. Winter intramurals will begin after Thanksgiving. Listen to announcements or reach out to Coach Haskell or Coach Graham for information! ,br> Go, Riverhawks!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
ATTENTION: The CARE Committee winter apparel request form is now closed. The team is working to fulfill requests and will be in touch via email. Many thanks to our community sponsors for helping CARE to make this support possible
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
REPOST/REMINDER to all CES FAMILIES: Yearbooks are on sale now! See the flyer for details!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Attention, CMS and CHS students and families!
Picture make-up/re-take day has been rescheduled to December 4th!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Westad, Yearbook Advisor.
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
A big shout out to SUNY Adirondack for coming to CHS for "Instant Admit Day!" Several CHS seniors participated in applying to SUNY ADK this past week!
Any senior who missed this event but is interested in SUNY ADK should see your counselor asap! Thank you to our counselors for facilitating this great activity, guiding our seniors to explore their post-graduation endeavors.
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Dear CCSD Families,

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Bravery. Bravery means you act with mental, moral, or physical strength even when you know things are difficult or scary.

Bravery refers to voluntary (not coerced) action in the face of a dangerous circumstance. This strength involves judgement; the brave person must have an understanding of the risks and consequences involved in acting. According to Socrates and Plato, forethought separates acts of valor from acts of rashness. This means that bravery isn’t simply fearlessness, but instead the overcoming of fear.

Overcoming fears is critically important in individual development, as it allows the person to do more and become more. A person can be brave every single day. For example, some people with social anxiety are brave just by leaving their house and talking with people. On a physical level, bravery allows us to overcome fears, such as swimming or playing a sport. And, on a moral level, doing what we know to be right, despite the risks, gives us the sense that we are acting on behalf of a larger purpose.

To practice and encourage the character strength of bravery with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you will watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.

Have a wonderful week!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Our CMS Studio Art class created beautiful art work in honor of Día de los Muertos recently. This interdisciplinary project supports the World Language (Spanish) curriculum as we explore the culture of countries around the globe. We have some very talented students!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Our SUPA (Syracuse University Project Advancement Class) for Science were creating footprint casts recently in class as part of their curriculum! They were totally engaged in their hands-on learning!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Hiking Club's 1st adventure of the school year! Perfect day with amazing colors on the Baker Trail to the Moreau Overlook!
Hiking Club is always welcoming new members. Please reach out to Mrs. Giumarra for more info!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Corinth Elementary School strives to make our Positivity Project a visible part of our school culture! Each month, CES honors students who demonstrate the selected Character Strength from our P2 curriculum at an assembly! For October, the staff chose CREATIVITY as the character strength of the month!
Congratulations to all of our student winners! Thank you to the teachers who took the time to describe in detail on the certificates what makes each winner stand out!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Attention Corinth Families! We have wonderful news from the C.A.R.E. Committee: With the support of the Women In Need organization of Lake George, Knights of Columbus and the NYS Laborers Feel the Care program , the CARE Committee is able to offer NEW winter coats, snow pants and/ or boots to a select number of PreK - 6th grade children who could benefit. If your child has a need for a new winter coat, snow pants or boots that is NOT being met by the holiday requests, please fill out this request form. One form per child. Please ensure to note a working email address as parents will be contacted via email regarding requests. This is a 1st come, 1st served request and form will close out once the max number of recipients has been met. We are excited to share this generosity with many of our students and encourage outside play this winter!

Click on the link to make your request:
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Attention, CES families! Please see the November newsletter from Mr. Pomerville and Mrs. Connor. It is filled with important information, photos of school activities and more!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
The Field Hockey season wrapped up with a great community play day on Saturday! Here are some highlights from Coach Crombach:
The final Saturday in October always plays host to our annual youth field hockey player day and this year we were treated to beautiful weather. Our second through sixth graders have been working two days a week since September to learn the basics of field hockey with our volunteer coaches, Amelia Robarge, and Riley Smith. Amelia and Riley have done a wonderful job with our youth program, maintaining over forty students this year and Saturdays play day was a great success. Varsity athlete Anna Riihimaki chose to host a concession stand as one of her honor Society projects as well. Coach Graham and Coach Crombach were on hand as well as several of our JV and varsity field hockey players who served as referees and coaches for the small team scrimmages. The future of our Field Hockey program here at CCSD is bright because of days like this."

Thank you to all who participated and facilitated this great youth program! We look forward to seeing these young athletes on the varsity field someday!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
It was a great win under the lights on Monday for senior night! Here are highlights on Coach Bowe: "The Mountaineer football team beat Broadalbin Perth 33-0 Monday night. That makes it 4 straight wins for the team.
Matt Case led the team with 2 touchdowns. Keegan Baker, Aiden Pavlick, and Camdyn Moor also had a touchdown. Avery Wood had 2 passing touchdowns and an interception on defense. The offensive line did a great job opening holes and giving the quarterback time to throw.
The next game is Friday night at 6 PM. Please come out and support us at our last game of the season."

More photos on Facebook!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
We had 4 athletes from our Mountaineers Cross Country team named as Adirondack League All-stars! Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District