Our Mountaineers Cross Country athletes had a great showing at the Adirondack League Championships! Here are highlights from Coach Torda:
"Varsity girls: Samantha Savage - 3rd, Haley Potavin-5th, Cooper Henke-14th, Allison Wiley-19th, Brianna Wiley-21st out of 27. Girls finished 2nd to Lake George!
Varsity boys: Makio Potts-6th, Nick Wiley-26th, Noah Springer-29th, Zachary Feildstadt-39th, Nic Torino-44th out of 49. Boys placed 4th!

Girls modified: Brynn Dunbar-6th, Amelia Baker-10th out of 15.
Boys modified: Max Zubal-11th, Carter Middleton 26th out of 27.

Congratulations, Mountaineers!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
There was plenty of Halloween spirit at CCSD today! See Facebook for more photos! We hope that everyone had a safe Halloween!!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
We honored our Senior Football players tonight under the lights!
Congratulations to senior, Isaiah Burth and Matt Case!
Your hard work, dedication and leadership on the field and in the classroom made a positive impact on our football program and school community. We thank you and wish you the best in your post-graduation endeavors!
Congratulations, Mountaineers!!
See more photos of our senior acknowledgements on Facebook!

Highlights from tonight's game and many more photos coming soon...stay tuned.
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
It was Senior Night on the football field this evening!
Congratulations to our senior Mountaineer cheerleaders: Lauren Stultz, Hayley Abare and Kailynn Minor!
Thank you for sharing your school spirit and support of our football teams. Congratulations on all of the great routines and dance moves that inspired our players and fans! We wish you all the best in your post-graduation endeavors!
More photos on Facebook!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Corinth Middle / High School - Make-up Picture Day is scheduled for November 21, 2023.

If your student was absent, newly enrolled, or not happy with their first picture we invite you to attend the picture make-up day.
Absentees & New Students:
If you pre-ordered on the original session but your student was not photographed, the order will transfer to the make up day session (no action needed). New cash/check orders should be given to the photographer on picture day. (Order forms are available in the main office.)
Online orders may be placed after the personalized proof sheet has been received (approximately 2-3 weeks after picture day). The original picture day code is expired. Can't wait for the new proof sheet? 7-10 days after picture day visit our website at https://vando.imagequix.com/S9SRC9J and enter your student's personalized online code.
(In most cases - The Personalized Online Code = C (the first letter of the School name) + your students' school id number - example: C12345.)
If you do not know or have access to the student id number, we ask that you wait for your proof sheet or email/text notification, please do not call the school.

Anyone may be photographed on make-up day. In order to receive a new package, the entire original package (and envelope) needs to be returned to the photographer on picture day. We cannot exchange your order with the retake picture until the original order has been returned. Families that ordered a digital download only - We will see that a digital download was originally ordered and a replacement download will be sent if a new photo is taken.

It's helpful to the photographer if you include a note with the original pictures stating why you've requested a retake so that we can do our best to deliver a great school picture.

Important note: the retake image will be used for the yearbook. Please direct any school picture questions to our customer service department at 855-773-3321.
Thank you for allowing Upstate Images the opportunity to capture this year's school memory!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Attention, CES families!
The CES Yearbook is on sale now!
Click on the flyer for more information! Reach out to Mrs. Jensen or Ms. Sarro with questions!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Pumpkin Carving was on the agenda on Friday at CES! Students learned how to make jack-o-lanterns with teamwork and collaboration! Great work everyone!
CES wishes everyone a safe and fun Halloween!!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Our CHS Bocce Team enjoyed success this fall! Here are some highlights from a recent competition from Coach K. Badaszewski and Coach B. Badaszewski:

"Congratulations to the Corinth Unified Bocce Ball team for competing like Olympic champions on Saturday, 10/21 at the Dome in Queensbury. Facing fierce competition the teams were able to make great shot after great shot to win a third place and a first place in their division! Great job!"
Way to go, Riverhawks!!! We are proud of you!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
A big shout out to the CES PTSA for facilitating a fantastic Trunk or Treat event Friday night! Thank you to the families, staff and CHS SADD members for creating a safe and fun event for all!
More photos on Facebook!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: A big shout out to CCSD alumna, Rylee Dunbar, for being named to the Mountain Valley All-Conference 2nd team as a collegiate soccer player! Congratulations, Rylee!!!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Attention, CMS families!
Please review the October newsletter from Mr. Testani and Mrs. Lawrence linked here: https://www.smore.com/1txy4 It is filled with a lot of important information!!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Parents/guardians check your email from @edurooms with instructions to sign up and access new features in the Corinth CSD app: two-way messaging and classroom announcements! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better.
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Say "hello" to Parent-Teacher Chat. Download the Corinth School app from the iOS App Store or Android Play Store and enable Notifications. Chat 000 00 Events Documents Stream §= Classes Notifications
Received a Guardian Invite via email? Here are your next steps: 1 Check your inbox for an email from @edurooms.com. Click "Create a password" in the email to connect your account with your student. 2 Next, finish your registration by creating a password unique to edurooms. You'll use the same email address and password to log in to Rooms in the district app. 3 Download the Corinth Central School District app in the App Store or Play Store to use Rooms. In the app, you'll find district and school news and updates. Switch seamlessly to Rooms within the app & log in to see classes.
It was a beautiful start to the day at CES! Thank you to Mrs. Connor and Mrs. Fuller for these beautiful photos!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
It was an exciting and rewarding end to the Modified Football season last night under the lights! Here are game highlights from Coach Degener and Coach Ecuyer:

"The Corinth/ Hadley Luzerne Modified Mountaineers won a thriller of a game against Whitehall/ Granville with a final score of 26-25. In an all around team effort, the Mountaineers fought the entire game. The offensive line played the best game of the season allowing Haydon Heil and the offense to allow the playmakers to make plays.
To start the game Dylan Haynes ran for a touchdown making the score 6-6, after giving up two touchdowns to Whitehall/Granville the offense continued to fight and Hawk Manning caught a pass from Haydon Heil to make the score 18-12. After a strong defensive drive from the defense led by Will Murray and Jaxson Weaver the Mountaineers got another receiving touchdown by Hawk Manning. Whitehall/Granville would score another touchdown making the score 25-26, and with minutes left to play and Dylan Haynes having to step up to play Quarterback, threw a touchdown pass to Will Murray, and the extra point to Hawk Manning to seal the game."
Congratulations, Mountaineers! We are proud of you! The future of our football program is very bright!!! See more photos on Facebook!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
It is World Traveler Wednesday in our CCSD cafeteria!
Students had the option of choosing a traditional German meal in honor of Oktoberfest!
Did you know that the first Oktoberfest was in honor of marriage of King Louis I, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen? It included a horse race and agricultural fair. Today, Oktoberfest is celebrated around the globe!

As your student about today's special meal!
Thank you to our creative cafeteria staff for exposing our students to multicultural meals as part of our Culturally Responsive Education here at CCSD!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
We invite all students and staff to wear PINK this Friday, October 27th, in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
CHS is fortunate to have many Career and Technical Education opportunities available for our students! Check out a news story from Channel 6 that features our own Sean Ward discussing a fantastic construction project!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
HS art students have been creating landscape drawings that will be transferred onto glass and painted. Check out a few images of them working outside, using our beautiful views from the school hill for inspiration! Thank you, Mrs. Hollander!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Dear CCSD Families,

This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Creativity. Creativity means you come up with new and original ways to think about and do things.

Creative people can look at the world in original ways. They are open to new experiences, and have an imaginative and independent thought process. They generate lots of different ideas and can pursue them with energy and enthusiasm. Creativity is a process that takes courage. Anytime you share your original ideas with the world, you risk being criticized or even ostracized.

On a group level, creativity is vital. It helps us solve seemingly impossible problems, create something we never knew we wanted, or simply see the world in a new way. Technological examples include the printing press, refrigeration, electricity, automobiles, and the internet. Just think of what we’d be missing without Renaissance art, Enlightenment thinking, Harlem Renaissance jazz, or hip-hop emerging from the South Bronx in the 1970s and 80s.

To practice and encourage the character strength of creativity with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2) where together you can watch a video, read a quote and talk about the answers to three questions.

Have a wonderful week!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District
Varsity Volleyball had a successful night on Friday night. Here are the highlights from Coach McGuire:
The Corinth varsity volleyball team finished their season strong with a 3-1 win over Hadley-Luzerne. The Riverhawks were led by seniors Sam Petteys, Tigre Lily Carner and Erin Ward.

Sam Petteys earned 10 points, 4 aces, 20 assists, 5 digs. Tigre Lily Carner earned 7 points, 2 aces, 11 kills, 1 dig. Erin Ward earned 15 points, 3 aces, 2 digs.

Thank you to all the fans that came to support us Friday night. It was very special to play such a great game with such a great crowd.
See more photos on our district Facebook page!
over 1 year ago, Corinth Central School District